Saturday, September 21, 2013

An Ugly Shade of Green


An Ugly Shade of Green

Whether it be a simple moment of anger, or a relentless tick of irritation, we all have experienced jealousy at some point. It wells up within us, and has the potential to consume our thoughts, our attitude, and even our actions. As someone who has fallen into the trap of jealousy, I have discovered the pain, the anger, and the unnecessary baggage it can cause. It’s interesting, isn’t it, how we feel we must hold tight to the very thing that can destroy us? Letting go of this jealousy can be tough. However, I would argue that letting go is not only freeing, but can change an entire outlook of other people.

The Truth: Jealousy distorts reality.

Wrath is cruel, anger is overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy? Proverbs 27:4

When jealousy becomes a prominent factor in life, it’s easy to put others on a pedestal. The flaws of that person seem to wither away, and suddenly they have reached perfection. Or maybe you’re the opposite; you think, “Wow, my life is terrible because I’m not like them/I don’t have what they have.” I mean honestly, how ridiculous does this all sound? But yet we say things like this anyway. When we allow jealousy to be a part of our life, it can consume us, it can confuse us, and it can abuse us!  

The Truth: Jealousy fuels anger.

For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. James 3:16

When jealousy has a hold on your life, a single message; a single word can put you over the edge. The happier they are, the angrier you get. At this stage, it’s safe to say jealousy has gotten out of hand in your life. As easy as it is to become bitter towards a person because you don’t have “what they have,” we must be intentional about remembering our blessings and knowing they aren’t perfect either.

The Truth: Letting go of jealousy changes everything.

A heart of peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. Proverbs 14:30

Whether it be your attitude, your outlook, or your self-confidence, letting go opens a door to a whole new view. Instead of being dragged down by comparing yourself to others, you are now free to enjoy the blessings in your life. As crazy as this may sound, you may even be able to rejoice in others’ blessings as well. From my personal experiences, I have found great joy, peace, and gratefulness from letting go of jealousy. Sure, it’s hard to let go, but it’s completely worth it.

Things to pray for overcoming jealousy:
·         God, I surrender. James 4:10
·         God, show me truth. John 8:22
·         God, give me faith in you to overcome this.  1 John 5:4

Until next time,


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