Monday, November 5, 2012



I’ve been thinking about the concept of eternity lately, and the more I think of it, the harder it is to wrap my mind around the idea.  When I think about the heavenly aspects, it sounds amazing; but the awareness that there is an eternity in hell is gut-wrenching to me.  I mean, we have some basic commitments we must make on earth to determine our eternity, but the decisions impact more than just our lives—they impact our eternity.

 It’s a broad topic, yes, however it should be at the forefronts of our minds.  To put it in perspective; our lifetime on earth is literally like a blink of an eye in contrast to eternity.  It’s timeless…it never ends. When we start to think in that mind-set, the worries of materialistic things such as money, romantic relationships, even quality of food begin to seem less important.  I mean, when you’ve just passed away (in the earthly life), I’m pretty sure you’re not going to care that on Monday, November 5th you had a double cheeseburger for lunch.

With that I have a simple question for you—If you were to die today, would you be happy with the impact you’ve made on this temporary home?

1.       I hope your answer is yes.

2.       I hope that despite your answer being yes, you would also feel some sort of discontent.

Here’s what I mean: We should be devoting our lives to things we are called to fulfill, ultimately seeking God’s purpose for us.  However, we never want to be in a state of content.  When we become content, we fail to grow.

The truth: We need to constantly be working to fulfill God’s purpose in our lives.

And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God Colossians 1:10

Pretty sure there’s nothing in there that says “oh you already planted a couple of seeds, that’s good enough!” No, we need to be constantly reaching new goals, because our time is limited and our actions are crucial.

On a final note, the fact that our time on earth is so short is enough reason to act accordingly.

The truth: The decisions we make today will be determining our future.

God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad. Ecclesiastes 12:14

Sure there’s forgiveness, but why not live in a way which is most pleasing to God. I don’t know about you guys, but when my time on earth is through, and I have eternity to look ahead to, I long to hear:

“Well done, good and faithful servant!” Matthew 25:21

-Just some things to think about.


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