Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Patient Endurance

Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that He has promised. Hebrews 10:36

While sitting in my bedroom after 48 hours of feeling extremely sick with what I believe to be food poisoning, I opened my Bible app and immediately stumbled upon the topic of “patient endurance.” Typically, I strangely enjoy challenges in the Bible about “rejoicing in suffering” and standing firm against all odds. Perhaps it’s my background in positive psychology and belief in the power of the mind, or perhaps I tend to unknowingly remove myself from the idea of suffering. Regardless, patient endurance wasn’t exactly the charge I was looking for amidst the miserable stomach pain. Yet, I believe this passage of scripture was exactly the reminder God wanted to give me at this time.

Patience is defined as the “ability to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.” Not to mention, patience is also a fruit of the Spirit. Endurance is defined as “the ability to endure an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.” Patience and endurance go hand in hand. As one is patient, they will then possess greater endurance to continue on the path set before them.

Laying on my bed trying not to vomit, patient endurance seemed like a ridiculous thing for God to be presenting to me. I was feeling annoyed and frustrated about my condition and being far from home, and was honestly ready to just have a little pity party. As I read this charge about “patient endurance,” however, I was reminded of someone who patiently endured far more than I ever could. There was someone who endured the most brutal death one could ever imagine, and did so with grace and endurance. There was someone who was spat on as His nail-pierced hands held Him up on a cross that yelled, “Father, forgive them.” Let’s talk about patient endurance!

All this is to say, in my physical weakness and frustration, God is calling me to something greater. The story of Jesus’ patient endurance ends with a beautiful resurrection that brought redemption for every sinner (aka you and I). Likewise, choosing to be patient and endure the unpleasant will help me to fulfill God’s will for my life. While I may not see beyond the “sickness,” God is working and planning to fulfill His promise.

First, I must be patient.

Until next time,


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