Sunday, August 5, 2018

A Call to Obedience

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21

Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from their Spirit will reap eternal life. Galatians 6:8

Have you ever taken action on something that you felt called to do, then found yourself wondering what you got yourself into? If I’m being completely honest, there have already been dozens of times in the mere three weeks I have been in Haiti that I have questioned why I am even here. I don’t say this as a cry for help, nor do I truly believe that there is no purpose in me being in Haiti. Rather, I just want to be authentic and vulnerable in the sense that doubt, fear, and confusion are tangible feelings that I have experienced in my time here thus far.

That being said, in these moments of insecurity God has begun to teach me a very important lesson about obedience. Regardless of whether He asks me to do something as simple as buying a meal for a stranger, or something as wild as packing up and moving to another country for a year, the most important thing is obedience. When we choose to be obedient to God and allow His plans to supersede our own, the result is always going to be better.

As I have been meditating on this concept of complete surrender and submission to the Holy Spirit, I am already blown away by what God has been doing and revealing. I have watched Him begin to restore seemingly irreparable relationships, I have experienced His peace and presence in an intense and powerful way, and I have observed Him bring clarity and confidence amidst confusion.

While I may have come to Haiti with “many plans in my heart,” I am learning that these plans can’t even begin to compare to what God is planning to do. I am excited to see all that will unfold as I act in obedience, and I encourage you to examine what God is calling you to in your own life. Are you willing to boldly step outside your personal plans and comfort zone in order to follow what God is calling you to do?

It is my prayer that those who are in a place of confusion and doubt would seek the Holy Spirit to guide them, and would in turn reap eternal reward!

Until next time,


  1. Totally relevant to my life right now. Thanks for sharing what God has shown you.

    1. Thanks Cindy! Praying that God helps you be obedient and encourages you during this time.

  2. I feel the same, my heart and ears are open. Thanks Tamara

    1. Praying that God gives you encouragement to keep pursuing Him, Bev. ❤️

  3. "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might bear fruit that will last..." John 15:16
    I am glad He has sent you to Haiti. Your blog is very interesting and I have found myself asking the same questions many times as well.

  4. Good word! Thanks Elisson. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

  5. Thank you for sharing that Tamara. Definitely tough to be obedient when it seems the fear and unknown are overwhelming (totally have these moments already myself). But how wonderful the truth is that God never leaves us. He gives us the grace to handle the hard, gives us strength when we feel like we can't go on, and trust to push away the doubt. I continue to lift you up in prayer and am looking forward to hearing more about your time in Haiti. Blessings!

    1. Good word, Molly. Thanks for your encouragement. Praying that God gives you supernatural strength and courage to be obedient as you begin your journey!
