Today/JODIA, I am reminded of why I came to Haiti in the
first place. While there is nothing extraordinary or remarkable about today,
the time I have spent in personal reflection and prayer has led me come to a
newfound understanding of why I am where I am, and why it’s okay that many of
my expectations and plans are not being fulfilled at this time.
I have been in Haiti for a little over two months now, and if
I’m being totally honest, it hasn’t been exactly what I expected. I don’t say
this to bash anyone I am working alongside or anyone who helped me set
expectations for this assignment, nor am I arguing that one should not prepare
and plan for future endeavors. Rather, I am sharing this because I believe what
I am learning is a valuable principle that can be applied to any situation in
which one’s personal expectations or goals are not being fulfilled.
The word that led me to say “yes” to coming to Haiti for 11
months was “jodia,” or “seize the day,” in Haitian Creole. This word was
something God spoke to me in a time of prayer prior to even knowing what it
meant. As I am realizing now, this word wasn’t just to push me to make that
initial decision of coming to Haiti, but was also to remind me while on the
field that I am to seize the day. I am to seize every moment as an opportunity.
Practically speaking, my role in Haiti right now is primarily
learning-based and less ministry-focused than I anticipated. However, this
reality has caused me to really evaluate how I value time, and what my
intentions are with each action I take. Am I seizing every moment as an opportunity?
Am I taking every thought captive? Am I viewing every smile, glance, or
interaction as a possibility for God to do something?
I am in Haiti because God called me to seize the day and
accept this awesome opportunity to learn. While I may not be living the life I expected
here and my goals may not be getting accomplished at this time, I am learning
about things that never even crossed my mind before.
Overall, my time so far has taught me that I must never
think my plans are more grandiose than God’s plans. I must never belittle the value
in the mundane. I must never put God into a box of my own understanding,
refusing to do or be in any circumstance that is outside of my own will.
The incredible truth behind all of this is that God DOES
have purpose deeper than my own understanding, and there is immense value in
seizing every passing moment as an opportunity.
Many are the plans in
a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21
If you are in a situation in which you are struggling with
your expectations versus reality, I challenge you to view this season as an
opportunity. Listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you, and trust that
there is something good in it. As we begin to trust God’s plan and take every
moment captive, God is able to work in us and those around us in ways far greater
than we could ever imagine.
Until next time,