11 days ago, I began my 11-month journey in Haiti. While I am
only beginning to scratch the surface of understanding the culture, language,
and heartbeat of this nation, I am already seeing God’s presence and vision for
this country. I have seen a spark igniting within the Church. God is calling
this country to ACTION.
Upon entering the Port au Prince airport, a man said
something to me that struck me in a deep way. For those who are unaware, the
time I entered Haiti was the weekend after protests and political unrest were
just beginning to settle. The man looked at me, asked me about what I would be
doing here in Haiti, and said, “Wow. You decided to come right now. Haiti is on
fire.” While the man made this statement in quite a literal way, I can’t help
but believe that this remark, whether he intended it or not, was indicative of
something greater happening within the country.
Two days after arriving, I attended a local church that gave
me a closer glimpse and greater understanding of why this airport exchange wasn’t
just meaningless small talk. The message spoken was a very direct, powerful,
call to action. The pastor encouraged the Church, or the followers of Christ,
to take this time of dissension and fear as an opportunity to STAND UP. He
declared that it is our responsibility not just to pray, but to act and carry
out the call God has put on our lives.
Upon traveling to another community, meeting with some Haitian
friends, and visiting another local church, this mindset of taking action and
carrying out God’s call was reiterated. I observed God preparing the hearts of
young adults to take their stories of what God has done in their lives to
unreached places. I listened to another local pastor’s vision to disciple
believers and shift the mindset of religion to a personal, relational model. I participated
in prayer sessions in which vision and excitement for God’s plan in this nation
was advanced.
While this is only the beginning, I can already see that God
is moving in Haiti. While the man at the airport may have literally meant the
country was on fire, I believe that this “fire” is indicative of the rapid
release of light—God’s light---that is releasing in Haiti. As this flame is
igniting among the Haitian people, I can’t wait to see how the local Church
will arise to spread the Gospel.
Let us pray for this sense of urgency to continue to fan
into flame, challenging the Church in Haiti to mobilize the Gospel and take the
Holy Spirit to places it hasn’t gone before.
Until next time,