Far too often, our society fools us into believing that finding “the one” is more important than it truly is. Our happiness, our completion, our future, and our arrival into adulthood supposedly hinge on the pretense of finding one’s “soulmate.” Likewise, those of us who are single are expected to sit around and wait patiently for just the right person to walk into our lives.
What if we wait patiently,
refuse to settle for an unhealthy relationship, and that person NEVER comes?
As much as I’d like to promise that eventually we will all
find that perfect relationship, there is no guarantee that that will happen.
The GOOD news is, we do not have to wait around for a supposedly “life-changing”
relationship in order to move forward in life. Rather, God has promised us that
we have purpose, may grow, and may find completion TODAY through Him.
As Ephesians 2:10
states, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
We were not created
to be completed by some other human being. Rather, we were created with
specific, unique purposes that God himself crafted. We were created to carry
out God’s plan for our lives, whatever that may look like. Therefore, I
encourage you…
Stop waiting for who God has created for
you, and start becoming who God created you to be.
Maybe you’ll meet
a special person one day that helps you grow and brings you joy. Whether or not
that happens, you and I can take heart in the fact that God has given each one
of us a unique purpose on this earth. Likewise, it is our responsibility to act
on the gifts He has given us. Don’t let the idea of finding the perfect
relationship someday hinder you from
experiencing all that God has for you today.
Instead, I challenge you to stop waiting. Stop waiting for what could be, and start
striving to become the person God has created you to be today.
Until next time,